Just In: Ather Energy Bike gets new feature, catches fire by itself when the rider wants barbecue or bonfire

Just In: Ather Energy Bike gets new feature, catches fire by itself when the rider wants barbecue or bonfire


Ather Energy kicked off the new year with a slew of new offerings and announcements at its first-ever customer event called, Ather Community Day. For people who like camping, bonfire and barbecue, the brand has rolled out ‘Ather self-ablaze’ feature.


The company demonstrated the feature in a very unique and surprising way when a Ather 450 e-scooter owner complained about his Ather bike catching fire, the Ather Energy Marketing head replied to the owner “Surprise Madafuckaa“.


Speaking to The Fauxy, one of the Ather Energy employees said “It’s one of the coolest.. err.. hottest feature in the bike, and we have gone out of the way.. to China to import cheap Lithium Ion batteries for this feature“.


Mistaking it for an accident and not the bike feature some twitter user tweeted about the Ather Energy’s bike’s new feature.


Ather Energy has decided to spend more on marketing of the new ‘Ather self-ablaze’ feature so that the bike owners don’t get confused with bike catching fire being an accident.

#Ather #Energy #Bike #feature #catches #fire #rider #barbecue #bonfire

[ Disclaimer: With inputs from The Fauxy, an entertainment portal. The content is purely for entertainment purpose and readers are advised not to confuse the articles as genuine and true, these Articles are Fictitious meant only for entertainment purposes. ]

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