Islamia College of Science and Commerce Srinagar Lecturers Recruitment 2023 | Merit List Released
Islamia College of Science and Commerce Srinagar Lecturers Recruitment 2023 | Merit List Released The tentative merit list as per guidelines for engagement of Academic Arrangement Basis issued by the Higher Education Department, J&K Government is uploaded on the College website www. islamiacollege.edu.in for clearance of deficiencies shown against the applicants (subject-wise) and invitation of objections (if any).
The candidates who are having deficiencies are advised to mail at office@islamiacollege.edu.in the self-attested copy of requisite documents from the 11 to 14 of Feb. 2023 by 04:00 pm (maximum document size 2 MB per candidate).
They shall forward the deficient document as a single file in pdf format named as “subject with form No”.
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Further, those of the candidates who are having objections (if any) must attend the College from the 11th to 14th of Feb., 2023 (10:00 AM to 4:00 PM) to address/ resolve their objections before the designated committee.
No request whatsoever shall be entertained after the expiry of the timeline and it will be presumed that applicant details are correct in the tentative merit list.
Download the Merit list for engagement as Lecturers, Teaching Assistants
and Physical Training Instructor:

#Islamia #College #Science #Commerce #Srinagar #Lecturers
( With inputs from : kashmirpublication.in )