Internet ban in Manipur to be lifted from today: CM Biren Singh

Manipur’s Chief Minister N. Biren Singh declared on Saturday that the state’s internet ban, initially imposed in response to ongoing ethnic clashes, would be lifted effective immediately. The ban, enforced in select districts, was initially put in place on May 3 and was later partially relaxed to permit broadband services under specific conditions.

Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, in a press conference, stated: “As a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of rumours and videos, photos, and messages, which might affect the law and order situation of the state, the state government imposed a ban on the internet. But from today onwards, the internet ban will be lifted.”

This announcement comes just one day after the government issued an appeal for the surrender of all illegal weapons within the state. The government has granted a 15-day grace period, beginning on September 22, for the voluntary submission of such weapons. In a press release, the government emphasized its willingness to consider the submissions and take appropriate actions.

The press release outlined the government’s stance: “At the end of the 15 days, security forces, both the central and state, will undertake a strong and comprehensive search operation all over the state to recover such weapons, and all persons associated with any illegal weapons will be dealt with severely, as per law.”

The ongoing ethnic conflict has taken a toll on Manipur, resulting in the loss of 175 lives and leaving over 1,100 individuals injured. Thousands have been displaced, and the crisis has seen 5,172 cases of arson, including the burning and vandalization of 4,786 residences and 386 religious sites. A total of 5,668 arms were reported missing from across the state, with security forces successfully recovering 1,329 thus far.


  • Manipur’s Chief Minister N. Biren Singh announced the immediate lifting of the internet ban imposed in response to ethnic clashes in select districts of the state.
  • The government has called for the voluntary surrender of illegal weapons within a 15-day period, showing willingness to consider submissions before launching a comprehensive search operation to recover such weapons.
  • The ongoing ethnic conflict has resulted in significant casualties, with 175 lives lost, over 1,100 injured, and thousands displaced. The crisis has also led to widespread arson and the disappearance of thousands of arms.

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