Hyderabad: BR Ambedkar Open Univ organises webinar on Urdu

Hyderabad: BR Ambedkar Open Univ organises webinar on Urdu


Hyderabad: Dr BR Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), Department of Arts on Friday organised a language and literature forum webinar on “Mother Tongue and Importance of Urdu” at the university campus. 

Prof Aziz Bano, Dean of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) was the chief guest at the webinar. She said that the mother tongue plays an important role in the development of human society. “Rich traditional language of Urdu is an integral part of the complex literary history of the Indian subcontinent,” she added. 

Prof K Seetharama Rao, the BRAOU vice-chancellor, said that there are different cultures in the country and even though the languages are different, writers of all languages need to work to create awareness among the people. 

“The Urdu Literature Forum will introduce students that contributed to literary works,” and expressed hope that the university would become more useful to Urdu students and research scholars.

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( With inputs from www.siasat.com )

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