Drones Used To Drop Weapons, Money And Narcotics In Jk: DGP Singh


SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir’s Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh on Friday said that weapons and narcotics are being air-dropped through drones in border villages of Jammu to revive and fuel militancy in the UT where “a peaceful atmosphere is prevailing at present.”

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a Jammu Marathon organized by the police, DGP Singh said that at present peace is prevailing in JK and militancy is at its lowest ebb.

However, weapons fitted with drones along with huge consignments of narcotics are being air-dropped in border villages of Jammu.

“We have foiled many such bids and seized huge consignments of narcotics. Recently narcotics worth Rs 2 crore were seized,” the DGP said, adding that weapons are meant to be handed over to militants while narcotics is sold and money earned is being distributed among militants.

“Some part of the amount is sent back to the mentors sitting across who give the same to militants infiltrating into this side to carry out IED and other attacks. The links of narco-terror have been found in Punjab also,” the DGP said.

DGP said, “G20 events are being organised in Jammu and Kashmir, and we are making all possible security arrangements for the smooth conduct of these events.”

Earlier on Saturday Indian Army said that troops have recovered Indian and foreign currency worth over Rs 2 crores & around 7kg of narcotics from the residence of one Mohd Rafique in the Poonch sector. (KNO)

#Drones #Drop #Weapons #Money #Narcotics #DGP #Singh

( With inputs from : kashmirlife.net )

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