Despite Lula, I will not work against my country, says Bolsonaro


Former president stated that Brazil did not end on January 1st; he must stay until March 15th in the US

the former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said this Monday (27.Feb.2023) that despite having “aversion” to the current Chief Executive, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), he will not work against Brazil.

“Despite having aversion to what is currently in politics there in the Executive, I will not work against my country”, said Bolsonaro at the Florida SA Summit event in the United States. He was applauded after the statement.

Watch (39min48s):

Bolsonaro is expected to stay in the US until March 15, extending his stay in the US by at least 18 days. The Executive Secretariat of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic authorized the removal of 3 employees who accompanied the former president abroad.

Although Bolsonaro’s statement was in a mild tone, during his participation in the event, he made several criticisms of the current government. He even mocked the current Minister of Sports, Ana Moser, and the former president Dilma Rousseff (PT).

“Now this type of political subdivision is back in Brazil. There’s no way to go right […] I just saw the volleyball player, Ana Moser, talking about being Minister of Sports. Dilma is a PhD close to her”said Bolsonaro.

“In 2010, it took approximately 100 days to open a company in Brazil. 100 with ‘c’ is not with ‘s’ no”said the former president.

Bolsonaro further strengthened that he did not take the vaccine against covid-19. On February 17, Chief Minister of the CGU (Controladoria Geral da União), Vinícius de Carvalho, confirmed the existence of a vaccine record of the former president against the disease. Former Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, denied.

“I didn’t get the vaccine. They accused me of having taken it now, at a health center on the outskirts of São Paulo”said Bolsonaro at an event in the US.

About the January 8 prisoners, Bolsonaro said they are being treated like “terrorists”and that among those arrested are “household heads, mothers and grandmothers”.

“In Brazil, everything has become fake news, undermining the democratic rule of law. We now have, it will be 2 months, 900 people arrested, treated like terrorists who were not found with even a penknife. Heads of families, mothers, grandmothers”he stated.

On social media, state deputy Bruno Engler (PL-MG) published images of long lines of businessmen to take a photo with the former president. See the log:

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Playback/Instagram @brunoenglerdm – 27.feb.2023

Public lines up to take a photo with former president Jair Bolsonaro during an event in Florida, in the United States

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