Complaint against Telangana Health Dir for ‘unscientific’ claims


Hyderabad: The Forum for Good Governance on Tuesday sent a complaint to the Telangana chief secretary against the Telangana Director of the Medical and Health department Dr. G Srinivasa Rao, stating that he is “unfit for the position due to his unscientific views” about medicine. 

The letter by the FFGG secretary Padmanabha Reddy pointed out that in the past the Telangana Director of Medical and Health department had made several statements indicating his unscientific views and “lack of faith” in modern medicine. 

The letter also alleged that Rao is making the comments in “bad taste”, seeking limelight amid the rumours that he is going to enter politics soon.

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“During Christmas celebrations he stated in full public glare that Covid-19 is controlled in the state because of the grace of god (Jesus) and not because of mass vaccination program of the government,” stated the letter. It also said that Rao’s comments are an insult to the massive vaccination program taken up by the Telangana government. 

Forum For Good Governance also recalled that the the Health Director’s statements from February 12 that he grew up under the influence of Naxalites in the Badrachalam area.  “Rao said that he held the stethoscope by mistake. If I were to hold a gun, I would have been killed by now, he stated,” wrote the FFGG secretary in the letter. 

Padmanabh Reddy also stated that on April 17, during an iftar dinner after offering namaz, Rao said that in his childhood he suffered an injury after which when he was taken to a hospital where the doctors opined that “only god could help him”. The letter said that Dr Rao said that his grandfather took him to a Masjid where the Moulana “tied him a tayath“. 

“He stated that he is in the post of the health director because of the divine powers of the tayath,” said the complaint letter from Forum For Good Governance. It also stated that Rao’s statements such as
“Jesus alone controlled COVID-19” and that the “tayath cured him the when doctors could not help” sends wrong signals about medical and health activities of the government.

“If he has no faith in the modern medicine he is unfit to hold the post of Director of Health,” said Padmanabh Reddy’s letter. The FFGG requested that Rao be removed from his post and replaced by a suitable person in his place.

#Complaint #Telangana #Health #Dir #unscientific #claims

( With inputs from )

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