BJPs Rana Says All Party Participants Are Rejected, Dejected, Confused, Frustrated Politicians


SRINAGAR: In a scathing remark, Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana criticized the all-party meeting organized by opposition parties in Jammu, labeling it as an assembly of “rejected, dejected, confused, and frustrated” politicians. He claimed that these politicians are unnerved by the momentous changes brought about in Jammu and Kashmir by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Rana asserted that these changes have steered the Union Territory from a dark alley of death, destruction, and gloom to become a bright, resurgent, peaceful, and developing part of the country.

“The opposition cannot derail Jammu and Kashmir’s tryst with peace and normalcy”, he said and cautioned the opposition not to assume the role of agent provocateurs to mislead the people for furthering their nefarious political agenda.

In an informal interaction with the media persons, Rana stated that “the meet is yet another non-event of all those who have developed vested interest over the decades in boiling Kashmir to bake their political loaves and sustain their enterprise.” He further commented that “peace and normalcy across Jammu and Kashmir is a sort of threat for their political existence and thus they smell a rat in all that is being done for the overall good of the UT.”

“Politically mature people understand the gimmicks of the self-seeking political actors, who can go to any extent for remaining relevant in politics,” he stated.

He further remarked that “their negative and obstructive political campaigns will not deviate the efforts of heralding complete normalcy to which the BJP is committed.” Rana also highlighted the fast-changing scenario in the Valley, stating that “last year witnessed record tourist footfall that was incomprehensible years ago when Kashmir was pushed to a dark alley of bandhs and stone pelting.” He added that “such a scenario had become a new normal. That situation has now totally changed, with economic activity gaining momentum, development getting impetus, and the people’s participation in governance becoming predominantly discernible.”

As per Rana, “Some political entities obviously feel uncomfortable with normalcy dawning and the UT treading on the path of development and prosperity.” He also stated that “the peaceful and resurgent Jammu and Kashmir goes against their scheme of things.” The minister emphasized that “every segment of society is part of the growth story,” and those who pretend to be oblivious to the changes taking place in both regions, regardless of religion and caste, are betraying their sense of understanding.”


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( With inputs from : )

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