Architecture |  Jugendhelmi went on sale in the center of Helsinki

Architecture | Jugendhelmi went on sale in the center of Helsinki


An old nationally romantic art nouveau gem came up for sale in the center of Helsinki on Eteläesplanadi. The bank building was designed by architect Lars Sonck.

State owned by Senaatti kinteistöt has put up for sale the culturally-historically valuable Pankkitalo along the Eteläesplanadi.

The Art Nouveau building completed in 1908 was designed by Lars Sonckwho is considered one of the most significant architects of the national romantic period.

The Bank building, whose architecture differs from the other buildings on the Eteläesplanadi, was once built by the Suomen Hypoteekkiyhdistys.

State took ownership of the building in 1939, after which the National Pension Institute, the school board and the Ministry of Transport and Communications have operated in it.

In 1976, a fire broke out in the building, which almost completely destroyed the historically valuable main staircase.

Protected the building has seven floors and a floor area of ​​just under 5,000 square meters. The property has impressive interiors, such as Sonckin Sali, which is a former bank hall.

HS told about the plans to sell Pankkitalo last fall.

Read more: The Pankkitalo designed by Lars Sonck will be sold

Correction 27.2. at 9:57 am: The wrong picture that showed Nordea’s banking hall has been removed from the news.

#Architecture #Jugendhelmi #sale #center #Helsinki

#Architecture #Jugendhelmi #sale #center #Helsinki
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