AMLO accuses José Ramón Cossío of protecting a “narco-state” as minister of the SCJN


Mexico City.- The president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador launched against José Ramón Cossíowhom he accused of being a defender of narco-state when he served as minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

After the march against ‘plan B’, and that JOsé Ramón Cossío was one of the main speakers at the demonstration in the Zócalo, AMLO attacked the former minister, assuring that he supported Felipe Calderón when they were presidents from the Judiciary.

“José Ramón Cossío, a fake, lawyer, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice in full narco-state, supported by Calderón, never said anything and he voted against a resolution to punish those responsible for the fire at the ABC nursery in Hermosillo where babies and children died and he is like the moral authority of the movement, the champion of legality,” said the federal president.

He not only attacked Cossíobut against several of the opponents who participated in the demonstration on February 26, whom he exhibited from the National Palace.

“I would even like that I sent you from the networks, a gallery of leaders of these marches and those who participate because people also do not know it because the media cover them up, so they have to be shown, they have to be covered up, because as soon as they see them, people know what they are about,” López Obrador said.

“Most of them have participated in previous governments, they have been, as I said, defenders of electoral fraud, they have been part of the corruption in Mexico, they have belonged to the narco-state that, as has been made clear with García Luna, prevailed for two six-year terms. , that of Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón”.

So, Andres Manuel He reiterated that the bottom of the demonstration is to protect the corruption regime that prevailed before his arrival to the presidency of Mexico, in order to maintain his privileges with the authorities.

We recommend you read:

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“So when they say the INE is not touched, the INE is not touched, what you have to be thinking is it is not touched, which is what they want, corruption, corruption is not touched according to them, privileges are not touched , the narco-state is not touched, this is speaking in silver”.

Due to violence and insecurity, the Spring Fair in Jerez, Zacatecas is officially CANCELED

#AMLO #accuses #José #Ramón #Cossío #protecting #narcostate #minister #SCJN
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