Jammu & Kashmir, April 15, 2024 – The disparity in stipends received by MBBS interns across different states has once again come under the spotlight, as MBBS interns in Jammu & Kashmir continue to voice their dissatisfaction with the meager stipend of ₹12,300 they receive. This issue has sparked a social media campaign under the hashtag #HikeJKInternsStipend, highlighting the stark difference between the stipends of MBBS interns in J&K compared to those in other states, which range from ₹20,000 to ₹30,000 with Assam ranking the highest with a stipend of ₹31,500.

Despite recommendations for an increase in stipends, the situation remains unchanged, prompting interns to raise their concerns directly to authorities, including the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of J&K, @OfficeOfLGJandK, and other prominent figures in the state’s healthcare sector.
Interns play a crucial role in the functioning of hospitals, often working long hours and providing essential care to patients. They are the backbone of the healthcare system, yet their efforts seem undervalued and overlooked when it comes to compensation.
“The current stipend of ₹12,000 is insufficient to support oneself, let alone a family,” says one medical intern who preferred to remain anonymous. “We work tirelessly, often in challenging conditions, and deserve to be fairly compensated for our contributions.”
The disparity in stipends not only affects the financial well-being of interns but also raises concerns about retention and morale within the healthcare workforce. Many interns in J&K face the dilemma of balancing their professional responsibilities with their personal financial obligations, leading to added stress and strain.
In response to the growing outcry, medical interns are calling for a revision in stipend policies to reflect the true value of their work and to ensure parity with their counterparts in other states. They urge authorities to recognize their dedication and commitment by providing them with a livable wage that acknowledges the demanding nature of their roles.
As the debate continues, interns in Jammu & Kashmir remain hopeful that their voices will be heard, and meaningful action will be taken to address their concerns. They emphasize that fair compensation is not just a matter of financial security but also a reflection of the value placed on their contributions to the healthcare system.
Efforts to reach out to relevant authorities, including @SyedAbidShah, @HealthMedicalE1, @DullooAtal, @manojsinha_, @DrJitendraSingh, @RavinderRaina, @Junaid_Mattu, @IltijaMufti_, @MehboobaMufti, @OmarAbdullah, and @sajadlone, for comments on the matter were unsuccessful at the time of reporting.
Iltija Mufti’s tweet regarding this issue:
The plight of MBBS interns in Jammu & Kashmir serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by healthcare workers across the country and the importance of fair compensation in ensuring a sustainable and effective healthcare system.