Two Pulwama residents died as boulder hits truck in Ramban


Srinagar,April 19: Two Pulwama residents have died when shooting stone hit their truck on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway near Digdole area of Ramban on Wednesday.

An official told that due to incessant rains shooting stones hit truck Truck (JK13D-1730) near Digdole, Ramban after which both driver and helper got trapped in the truck.

On getting information, police team along with QRT volunteers immediately rushed to the spot and started rescue operation.

However, during rescue operation both were found dead in the truck, he said.

The duo has been identified as Maqsood Ahmad son of Abdul Rehman Lone, a resident of Hall Mughalpora Pulwama and Naveed Ahmad son of Ghulam Mohammad Dar, a resident of Nikas Pulwama.

Meanwhile, legal-medico formalities have been started after which bodies will be handed over to legal heirs.

#Pulwama #residents #died #boulder #hits #truck #Ramban

( With inputs from : )

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