Hyderabad: The Telangana police recently served a notice to Huzurabad BJP MLA Eatala Rajender in the SSC Hindi ‘question paper leak case’, which has drawn criticism from BJP Lok Sabha MP and Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy demanded that the government immediately withdraw the notice, stating that the police were unnecessarily dragging the names of BJP leaders into the issue.
Reddy went on to allege that the police had engaged in vendetta politics, citing the fact that Warangal Commissioner A V Ranganath had initially said there was no paper leak, but later changed his statement. Reddy claimed that Rajender and another BJP leader, Bandi Sanjay, had been booked only because they had received the question paper through WhatsApp.
The Union Minister also criticized the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) for organizing a protest during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the state, calling it a political stunt to insult the Prime Minister. He accused K Chandrasekhar Rao’s family of having “done a PhD in manufacturing and spreading lies.” Reddy concluded by saying that the people of Telangana were watching everything and that the public was with the BJP, adding that the party would not rest until dynastic parties like BRS were dethroned from power.
#Telangana #BJP #demands #govt #withdraw #notice #Eatala
( With inputs from www.siasat.com )