Mehbooba Mufti Is Right And Wrong At The Same Time, Says Soz


SRINAGAR: Former Union Minister and Senior Congress leader Saifuddin Soz has spoken out on the recent appeal made by PDP President, Mehbooba Mufti, to Kashmiri Muslims to protect Kashmiri Pandits from getting killed. Soz expressed puzzlement when he read about the appeal in the newspapers, but also agreed with Mufti that killing in Kashmir can never be an acceptable situation.

“Ms. Mehbooba Mufti is right as killing in Kashmir, under no circumstances, can be an acceptable situation for the general run of the people of Kashmir, who have experienced death and destruction in Kashmir, over a long period of 30 years! I am one amongst the Kashmiris who reject the culture of violence, altogether.” Soz said.

Soz emphasized that he is one amongst the Kashmiris who rejects the culture of violence altogether. However, he also stated that appealing to the people of Kashmir is not enough to yield any advantage, and instead proposed organizing a strong public reaction against the killings through non-violent and peaceful methods.

“But, Ms. Mehbooba Mufti is wrong in the sense that appealing to people of Kashmir is not going to yield any advantage. I am prepared to join Mehbooba ji to organize a strong public reaction against these killings through non-violent and peaceful methods.” he added.

“What can the people of Kashmir do beyond feeling sad and helpless on the deaths of civilians at the hands of killers, who always try to remain hidden from the public eye?” he concluded.

#Mehbooba #Mufti #Wrong #Time #Soz

( With inputs from : )

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