JKPSC Syllabus for the post of District Sericulture Officer
Introduction to Sericulture
Overview and importance of sericulture. Sericulture with particular reference of J&K and Temperate and subtropical and tropical sericulture. Origin and history of sericulture -national and international silk organizations, organizational set up in different countries including. India – development of sericulture through five year plans, organization of sericulture industry – cocoon markets, silk exchange, export-import policy and laws – laws relating to the production of silkworm seedcocoon, raw silk and transport – price stabilization, Research & Development institutes of CSB, State Government and Universities. Sericulture education.
Silkworm Rearing technology
Systematics of sericigenous insects and morphology of egg. larva, pupa and adult stages ys of sericigenous insects. Anatomy and physiology of digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, muscular, reproductive and nervous systems (including central, 1.isceral and peripheral) and sense organs of larva, pupa and adult. Endocrine and exocrine glands (including silkglands). Genetics and breeding of silkworms. Hereditary traits of importance in egg, larva, pupa-cocoon and adult stages, E- Group as a tool in developmental genetics,
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