JKBOSE Class 10th 11th and 12th Revaluation Notice
It is notified for information of all the eligible candidates of Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) Special Supplementary Bl-Annual 2022 Jammu Province, Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) Special Supplementary BI- Annual 2022 Leh, Higher Secondary Examination Part-I (Class (11th) Special Supplementary Bi-Annual 2022 Jammu Province, Higher Secondary Examination Part-I (Class 11th) Special Supplementary Bl-Annual 2022 Leh, Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (12th Class) Special Supplementary BI- Annual 2022 Jammu Province and Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (Class 12th) Special Supplementary Bi-Annual 2022 Leh, desirous of obtaining the photo Copy/ies of their answer script/s and getting their answer script/s re-evaluated that they shall APPLY ONLINE for the same on JKBOSE official website i.e www.jkbose.nic.in as per below-mentioned schedule:-
Important dates:
Date of opening of the link for submitting online forms of Re-evaluation / Photocopy 16-03-2023
The last date for filling forms for obtaining a Photocopy of the answer script/s 25-03-2023
Date for uploading the last schedule for collecting photocopies from BOSE office 27-03-2023
The last date for filling out Re-evaluation forms is 30-03-2023
Fees: The prescribed fee for Re-evaluation @ Rs 470/- per answer script, and for photo copy @ Rs 240/- per answer script shall be deposited through online mode only i.e. Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking facilities etc.
In case their roll number Is missing in the last uploaded schedule- ule they must report the same on the following day along with the receipt proof on our email ID. i.e Jssecrecy_jd@jkbose.co.in No claim for photocopy/re-evaluation shall be entertained after the expiry of the prescribed dates.
Click here for Notification
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#JKBOSE #Class #10th #11th #12th #Revaluation #Notice
( With inputs from : The News Caravan.com )